Jiaozhou precision machining of small make up to tell you what is the development direction of precision machinery
Multifunctional environment parameter precision monitoring system developed, with the requirement of precision instrument engineering, each precision instruments in the lab need to undertake a variety of rigorous testing, which requires high and low temperature cycle, such as vibration experiment. And as the inertial navigation precision instrument performance level unceasing enhancement, environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, electromagnetic interference and power supply parameters such as voltage, current on the impact of these instruments can no longer be ignored. So you need to have a peripheral system to monitor these parameters to analysis the impact of these and number of instruments. Precision instrument test environment need to be control under certain working conditions, under the condition of existing need for these instruments to monitor the working conditions such as temperature, humidity, and at the same time monitoring instrument for primary and secondary electric power supply voltage fluctuations. Monitoring system based on TI companys integrated flash mixed signal microcontroller MSC1211, adopt digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and humidity sensor SHT11, and respectively according to their respective communication protocol design based on C51 packages. DS18B20 single bus communication software package Apply to other single bus device. And to implement computer collection, preservation and visualization using LabVIEW software.
Jiaozhou precision machining